Top 10 girl crushes from the Television and Bollywood Industry

In the earlier times the leading ladies used to get roles that were of glamorous romantic interest of the male protagonist and tool to uplift his status in the movie as per the need of the script. Nowadays the heroines have begun to get more meaty roles that become crucial for the storyline to move …

Importance of Dubbing in a movie/ Television show?

Dubbing is a post production process in the art of filmmaking that allows the audience to perceive the sound as natural rather than recorded. The viewers of the creative piece get an experience the mixture of an audio visual combination which enhances the viewing of the film or a television show. Dubbing ensures better quality …

Why the IPL is being played even when there is a lockdown in some states of India?

 Corona Virus has proved to be a constant threat to human life.  The vaccines are rapidly being produced to combat the situation.  The second wave of the virus is very dangerous so it is our responsibility to follow the rules and regulations imposed by the government even now. Bollywood, Television, Music and Cricket make up …

Importance of a Child artist in Television and Bollywood?

The term Child artist is generally applied to children acting on Stage; Television or the Bollywood industry. The film industry is going strong for ages now. This has been possible because of some outstanding performances in various categories like Hero, Heroines, Villains as well as supporting actors. We shouldn’t forget about the child actors who …

Imposing the lockdown again can prove disastrous for the Entertainment industry?

The entertainment industry includes Cinema, Television, Radio, theatre and Music. The first lockdown was full of new rules and regulations and restrictions that no one was aware of. The first phase of Corona virus and lockdown wasn’t fruitful as far as the earning is considered for all the aspects of the showbiz.   Another lockdown will …

My favorite onscreen pairs on Television?

Though Television, Movies and OTT platforms has a separate set of audience for each medium of entertainment and it has been increasing rapidly for years now. Bollywood industry is considered massive both in size as well as popularity but Television is catching up fast. Various types of shows are running on television right from Daily …

My favorite Characters from the world of Television?

Television has been the most affordable mode of entertainment for years. Through television the common people can connect to their favorite television and Bollywood actors. I am no different; I have been a huge fan of both the industries from a very young age. In this article I want to discuss some of my favorite …