Has the Fashion industry moved towards Diversity?

Diversity is defined as mix of something. It is a difference within a group of people. The difference can be gender, sexuality, disability and body image. The fashion brands generally want to be seen by the public as more progressive and refresh their image to keep up with the social change.  Fashion and brands have …

The struggles of foreign actors and my personal favorite roles in Bollywood?

Bollywood is the Indian Hindi language industry based in Mumbai. With the practice of nepotism in full swing, it is hard for the foreigner to make it big in the industry. Bollywood is a networking based place. Audience likes to watch people onscreen with whom they can connect and relate to. Indian public tend to …

How do Television shows attract the audience towards itself?

A  Soap opera is a radio or Television dealing especially with domestic situations and frequently characterized by melodrama, sentiments and popular cast. The term Soap opera is originated from Radio drama originally sponsored by Soap manufactures. The viewers of Hindi television show are varied and spread across all age groups. There are diverse genres like …

Why is Indian Media obsessed with star kids?

Publicity is defined as attention given by the newspaper, Television and other forms of media to something or somebody. Publicity can be positive or Negative. The celebrities often get the positive publicity for their contribution to Indian Cinema. Indians have always had fascination towards the rich and famous. Instagram has become a medium to follow …

Importance of Audience in the Entertainment industry?

Bollywood has emerged as a brand for every Indian since its inception. In the showbiz industry the makers are basically selling their film to the potential target audience. Audience can make or break a film. Each genre of movies has a separate set of target audience that it needs to cater. The diversity of the …