The influence of Celebrities on the political sphere of our country?

Celebrity politics is the act of prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideologies. The political parties in recent times are heavily reliant on the popularity of the stars for their campaigns leading to the participation of these superstars as politicians. In the country like India both …

Representation of Feminism in Bollywood?

Feminism is defined as a range of social movements, Political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal and social equality of Sexes. In the early days Bollywood was untouched with the meaning of feminism so movies like Ghar toh Aisa showed feminism to not be suitable for the Indian …

Why is Indian Media obsessed with star kids?

Publicity is defined as attention given by the newspaper, Television and other forms of media to something or somebody. Publicity can be positive or Negative. The celebrities often get the positive publicity for their contribution to Indian Cinema. Indians have always had fascination towards the rich and famous. Instagram has become a medium to follow …

Importance of Audience in the Entertainment industry?

Bollywood has emerged as a brand for every Indian since its inception. In the showbiz industry the makers are basically selling their film to the potential target audience. Audience can make or break a film. Each genre of movies has a separate set of target audience that it needs to cater. The diversity of the …

Why are sequels becoming popular in Bollywood?

Sequels are a published broadcast or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of the earlier. The film makers are altering the concept to make it a money making opportunity. Bollywood is constantly coming up with new projects every year. Audience looks for an emotional connect and assured entertainment in every film. …

Why is the Remix Culture so popular in Bollywood?

There is saying-“Old is Gold.” We should remember that change is the only constant. The coming of remix culture is the matter of demand and supply, the public consumes and demands these remixes, the makers in the industry makes them. Every song has its own beauty. Remixes often don’t do justice to the original song. …