Importance of a screen Test in the Bollywood Industry?

A screen test is a method of determining the suitability of an actor or actress for performing on film or in a particular role.  The developed film is later evaluated by the relevant production personnel such as the casting director and the director of the film. Bollywood always eyes for commercially successful movies so the …

Why are actors replaced in Bollywood industry?

Bollywood industry is the most famous in India and abroad. It makes the most number of movies every year. The audiences and critics like the movies alike due to various elements like story, well written characters, twists and specific actors who the viewers like in a particular character. The audience tends to associate the actor …

What makes the movie a failure at the Box office?

The box-office flop is defined as a film which is considered highly unsuccessful or unprofitable during the theatrical run. A commercial success of a film is a priority for everyone who is directly or indirectly connected to the Bollywood Industry. The quality of work should be given importance as all the fresh releases have gone …

Why is Indian Media obsessed with star kids?

Publicity is defined as attention given by the newspaper, Television and other forms of media to something or somebody. Publicity can be positive or Negative. The celebrities often get the positive publicity for their contribution to Indian Cinema. Indians have always had fascination towards the rich and famous. Instagram has become a medium to follow …

Why does Bollywood need an item song to ensure the success of the film?

In Indian Cinema an item song is defined as a musical number inserted into a film that may or may not have any relevance to the plot.  The screen writers of film along with the entire team believe that the item songs are the heart of the story line and it is very crucial for …

Does Nepotism have a role to play in making a career in the Bollywood?

Nepotism is the practice of favoritism based on Kinship. Nepotism means to appoint relatives or friends in one’s own organisation or workplace a position to which other people would be more eligible. It is just a reflection of the aspect of human nature. Slight inclinations towards the one you like exist in every society as …