Is failure a prerequisite to be successful in life?

Failure and success are two faces of the same coin. It is of utmost importance to understand that failures are temporary and it is designed to bring new opportunities to achieve success. Some people fail and some succeed, it does not mean the person who has not been successful has done less but the one …

Does Nepotism have a role to play in making a career in the Bollywood?

Nepotism is the practice of favoritism based on Kinship. Nepotism means to appoint relatives or friends in one’s own organisation or workplace a position to which other people would be more eligible. It is just a reflection of the aspect of human nature. Slight inclinations towards the one you like exist in every society as …

Is screenwriting solely responsible for the success or failure of any Cinematic Experience?

The Screenplay is the final outcome of a continuous process of writing and rewriting which reaches the screen for public viewing. To appeal to the masses, a script goes through the process called “GreenLighting” which involves many people who read and re-read plenty of scripts and decide on which ones can pass the assessment and …