
Has the Fashion industry moved towards Diversity?

Diversity is defined as mix of something. It is a difference within a group of people. The difference can be gender, sexuality, disability and body image. The fashion brands generally want to be seen by the public as more progressive and refresh their image to keep up with the social change.

 Fashion and brands have been a large part of our daily life due to the influence of Bollywood on us. Fashion industry has started to focus on what suits a particular person.  It is a good sign that people are becoming self aware of the same.

In recent times wearing oversize clothes are in trend therefore new categories like plus size and petite are becoming available to the customers so that people of all sizes and shape feel comfortable with their own body type.

In the earlier times Racism was one of the issues that the fashion industry was struggling to deal with.  For them the definition of beauty was confined to fair skin because of social and cultural reservations in India as well as the whole world.

The fashion industry should be open towards people who want to try their luck in fashion specially India which is a diverse country by origin. India shouldn’t promote certain stereotypes about Indians or dark skinned models which are not real.

In my opinion in the internet era the fashion industry is becoming more responsible and incorporating the diversity but there is still a long way to go to fully accomplish the target set by the industry.

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