
The influence of Celebrities on the political sphere of our country?

Celebrity politics is the act of prominent person using their fame as a platform to influence others on political issues or ideologies. The political parties in recent times are heavily reliant on the popularity of the stars for their campaigns leading to the participation of these superstars as politicians.

In the country like India both Bollywood and Politics command a similar fan base so both these worlds can be easily be coiled together and can take advantage of the fact to ask for votes in the elections.

These public figures are used to promote democracy, making the common people understand the importance of voting. These stars ensure that they go and vote in order to set the positive example as they are social media influencers. The Prime minister going for celebrity weddings or Akshay Kumar conducting a non official conversation which gave Modi jii an opportunity to present himself as a people’s person. All this is designed as PR stunt for the ruling government.

The celebrity charm is used to boost thought processes and schedules of particular party they wish to support. But sometimes allowing the big names enter into public affair can prove to harmful. Kamal Hassan could not have successful transition from an actor to Politician because of his ideas were a misfit for a political career.

In my opinion everyone wants use these personality to become popular but there should be a correct balance as performing in the front of the camera is different to convincing the people of country for votes.

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